Challenging the Dominance of the Hypothetico-Deductive Frame - Webinar with Dr Fred Amonya

Challenging the Dominance of the Hypothetico-Deductive Frame - Webinar with Dr Fred Amonya
10 July 2023
13:30 - 15:00
On TEAMS - link to be sent following registration


Challenging the Dominance of the Hypothetico-Deductive Frame

UKCRIC Doctoral Skills Network

Dr Fred D Amonya, Lyciar


Research will start with a hypothesis and end with a deduction without ever questioning the Hypothetico-Deductive (HD) frame. Why is the HD frame dominant? And how does the complexity of infrastructure and cities challenge that dominance? On the first question, we will dash over history, searching for the emergence of the HD frame. On the second, will define complexity and its appeal for a science beyond the traditional Newtonian physics that underpins common science. We will then see how the emerging complexity science pulls us closer to case study as a research frame.



Dr Amonya is a scholar on complexity and public investment. For over two decades, he has taught and advised on infrastructure and public policy across the world. He led the governance theme of a UK development programme called Global Transport Knowledge Partnership that sought to bridge the chasm between policymaking and universities of Africa and South-East Asia. Further, he was Chair, Transport Systems Economics, PIARC. In that role, he led policy makers and academics in attempting to understand transport investment in 122 countries by constructing their policy spaces as dynamical systems. Now, he advises Fortune 500 companies in London and other cities on corporate strategy in the era of net zero. In addition, he is assisting African countries in knitting their post-Covid policies. He also guides dialogue on PPP as a member of UNECE team of PPP experts. He is a Chartered Engineer, Fellow CIHT, and he holds a PhD in policy science. A few of his lectures are captured on his ResearchGate. Contact him on LinkedIn.

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