RECLAIM Network Webinar Series - Resilient Cardiff

RECLAIM Network Webinar Series - Resilient Cardiff
05 July 2023
12:30 - 13:30

Webinars will share best-practice and facilitate knowledge exchange between practitioners, researchers, policymakers, businesses, environmental groups, charities and individuals interested in implementation of green-blue-grey infrastructure for making our vulnerable living spaces more healthy, sustainable and resilient.

Webinar #14 Resilient Cardiff - 5th July 12.30-13.30

Gwilym Owen
RECLAIM Advisory Board Member, Resilience Officer, Cardiff City Council

Title of the talk: “ Resilient Cardiff – How the city is taking steps to mitigate against and adapt to climate change” 

Simon Dooley
Team Leader Flood and Coastal Risk Management, Cardiff Council

Title of the talk: “Cardiff Coastal Defence Scheme – Defending against Coastal Climate Change” 


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