Our brand guidelines provide information on key aspects of the UKCRIC brand, including our logo, colours, tone of voice and brand relationships.
The EPSRC logo must always appear alongside the UKCRIC logo.
Acknowledging UKCRIC in published work
It is important that any dissemination of work generated using UKCRIC capabilities acknowledges the support provided by EPSRC and mentions UKCRIC. This applies to presentations, posters, exhibition materials, publications, press releases, and any online or printed material.
For those holding UKCRIC-related EPSRC grants, acknowledgements need to identify the type of UKCRIC and EPSRC support, quote the EPSRC grant reference number (these are contractual obligations for all UKCRIC-related EPSRC grants), and acknowledge support from UKCRIC’s Coordination Node. EPSRC and UKCRIC logos should also appear unless prohibited by the publisher.
For those not holding UKCRIC-related EPSRC grants, acknowledgements need to identify the UKCRIC support, including associated EPSRC funding grant numbers, and, where applicable, acknowledge support from UKCRIC’s Executive Board. EPSRC and UKCRIC logos should also appear whenever possible.
Example acknowledgement statements:
In case of queries please contact us.