
UKCRIC Facilities

UKCRIC has a number of Infrastructure Laboratories, Urban Observatories and Modelling and Simulation facilities across the UK at its partner organisations, many of which are already available for use by academics and students as well as industry and government. Full details of UKCRIC's Infrastructure Laboratories, Urban Observatories and Modelling and Simulation facilities can be found on the links in the tables below. They are clustered by theme for ease of identifying collective capabilities and may therefore feature more than once in the list. Materials from our October 2021 Facilities Showcase, including videos of taster presentations from each facility as well as the presentation slides are also available on these links.

If you'd like to use any of our facilities, it's important that you start talking to us early to ensure we can provide the resources required for the proposed project. If you would like to enquire about using our facilities, please email us at hello@ukcric.com.

We will then arrange for you to visit the facility. We'll also discuss with you any potential intellectual property arising from the project, and put plans into place for its appropriate protection. EPSRC-funded proposals will be given top priority for usage of the facility and accompanying equipment.

Please note that UKCRIC is not a lab service provider or an accredited analysis service.


Built Infrastructure Cluster

Facility Based at Contact
National Buried Infrastructure Facility University of Birmingham Prof. David Chapman, d.n.chapman@bham.ac.uk
National Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction Laboratory University of Bristol Prof. Anastasios Sextos, a.sextos@bristol.ac.uk
Centre for Infrastructure Materials University of Leeds Prof. Leon Black, l.black@leeds.ac.uk
Advanced Infrastructure Materials Laboratory Imperial College London Prof. Chris Cheeseman, c.cheeseman@imperial.ac.uk
Fire and Impact Laboratory for Resilient Infrastructure Materials University of Manchester Prof. Yong Wang, yong.wang@manchester.ac.uk
National Infrastructure Laboratory University of Southampton

Dr. Andrew Robinson, A.Robinson@soton.ac.uk

National Facility for Infrastructure Construction

Loughborough University

Prof. Sergio Cavalaro, s.cavalaro@lboro.ac.uk

VSimulators at Bath University of Bath

Dr Antony Darby, A.P.Darby@bath.ac.uk

VSimulators at Exeter University of Exeter

Prof. James Brownjohn, vsimulators@exeter.ac.uk

Data Driven Solutions Cluster

DAFNI (Modelling and simulation)

Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell

Katie Cartmell, katie.cartmell@stfc.ac.uk

National Research Facility for Water and Wastewater Treatment Cranfield University Prof. Paul Jeffrey, p.j.jeffrey@cranfield.ac.uk
Centre for Future Infrastructure University of Edinburgh Prof. Sean Smith, Sean.Smith@ed.ac.uk
National Green Infrastructure Facility Newcastle University Dr Ross Stirling, ross.stirling@ncl.ac.uk
Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies Aston University

Dr Haris Alexakis, c.alexakis@aston.ac.uk

Urban Observatory Network (see last table)    

Energy Systems Cluster

National Infrastructure Laboratory University of Southampton

Dr. Andrew Robinson, A.Robinson@soton.ac.uk

Centre for Future Infrastructure University of Edinburgh Prof. Sean Smith, Sean.Smith@ed.ac.uk
National Green Infrastructure Facility Newcastle University Dr Ross Stirling, ross.stirling@ncl.ac.uk
National Research Facility for Water and Wastewater Treatment Cranfield University Prof. Paul Jeffrey, p.j.jeffrey@cranfield.ac.uk
National Distributed Water Infrastructure Facility University of Sheffield Prof. Steve Thornton, s.f.thornton@sheffield.ac.uk
National Research Facility for Infrastructure Sensing University of Cambridge Dr Pieter Desnerck, prhd2@eng.cam.ac.uk
Urban Observatory Network (see last table)    

Transport and Mobility Cluster

National Infrastructure Laboratory University of Southampton

Dr. Andrew Robinson, A.Robinson@soton.ac.uk

National Buried Infrastructure Facility University of Birmingham Prof. David Chapman, d.n.chapman@bham.ac.uk
Person-Environment-Activity Research Laboratory UCL Prof. Nick Tyler, n.tyler@ucl.ac.uk
Urban Observatory Network (see last table)    

Water and Environment Cluster

National Distributed Water Infrastructure Facility University of Sheffield Prof. Steve Thornton, s.f.thornton@sheffield.ac.uk
National Research Facility for Water and Wastewater Treatment Cranfield University Prof. Paul Jeffrey, p.j.jeffrey@cranfield.ac.uk
Centre for Future Infrastructure University of Edinburgh Prof. Sean Smith, Sean.Smith@ed.ac.uk
National Green Infrastructure Facility Newcastle University Dr Ross Stirling, ross.stirling@ncl.ac.uk
Urban Observatory Network (see last table)    

Urban Observatories 

Urban Observatory Based at Contact
Newcastle Urban Observatory Newcastle University


Bristol Infrastructure Collaboratory University of Bristol


Dr Theo Tryfonas, Theo.Tryfonas@bristol.ac.uk

Urban Flows Observatory University of Sheffield  
Cranfield Urban Observatory Cranfield University

Urban Observatory (cranfield.ac.uk)

Dr Simon Jude s.jude@cranfield.ac.uk

Manchester Urban Observatory University of Manchester


Professor David Richards 

Head of UKCRIC Test Facilities 

+44 (023) 8059 2848



Professor Phil James 

Project Director for UKCRIC Urban Observatories 

+44 (0) 191 208 6612


Professor Jim Hall

Principal Investigator for DAFNI

 +44 (0)1865 275847



Infrastructure Database, Modelling, Simulation and Visualisation Facilities

National Buried Infrastructure Facility

Prof Chris Rogers– Director
Dr David Chapman– Technical Director
Prof Ian Jefferson– Deputy Director Geo Processes
Prof Chris Baker– TRAIN Rig Director
Prof Nicole Metje– Deputy Director Sensor Systems

University of Birmingham

Centre for Infrastructure Materials, Imperial

Imperial College, London

Prof Nick Buenfeld (Imperial)

National Infrastructure Lab, Southampton

National Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction (SoFSI) Facility, Bristol

Research Facility for Infrastructure Sensing, Cambridge

Dr Jennifer Schooling, Director of the Centre for Smart Infrastructure
Dr Simon Guest, Head of Civil Engineering

Urban Water Infrastructure Facility, Cranfield

Urban Observatory, Newcastle

Stephanie Glendinning
Phil James


Urban Water Infrastructure Facility, Sheffield

Person-Environment-Activity Research Laboratory (PEARL)

Prof Nick Tyler

Integrated Urban Infrastructure Labs, Bristol

Integrated Urban Infrastructure Labs, Cardiff

Rhys Thomas

Integrated Urban Infrastructure Labs, Manchester

Integrated Urban Infrastructure Labs, Newcastle

Prof Richard Dawson


Integrated Urban Infrastructure Labs, Sheffield