Centre for Future Infrastructure

Centre for Future Infrastructure

The Centre for Future Infrastructure at the University of Edinburgh is an intellectual hub for ideas, and a workshop for forging those ideas into practical opportunities and applications, bringing together stakeholders from across the University sector, industry, government and beyond.

Infrastructure is the physical, social and digital fabric that underpins our civilised world. When successful, it enhances our quality of life, and allows us to live, to work, to trade, to travel and to communicate.

Through teaching programmes, research and collaboration with businesses and administrators, the Centre for Future Infrastructure co-creates a powerful network of experts who can tackle issues from different and unconventional perspectives. 

The FloWave Ocean Energy Research Facility at the University of Edinburgh is also available for university and industry use. Conceived for cutting edge academic research into wave and tidal current interactions, the FloWave Ocean Energy Research Facility is also an amazing tool for commercial developers to ensure their technologies and projects perform 'right first time' and are de-risked as much as practical before cutting steel or going offshore.


Who can use the facility Functions/facilities available

International and UK research partners; industry partners

Centre for Future Infrastructure; hotdesking space

International and UK research partners; industry partners FloWave 

Find out more

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Contact Professor Sean Smith, 

Watch the Centre for Future Infrastructure facility presentation or download the slides as a PDF.