Assessing the Underworld publications

Assessing the Underworld: publications

Academic Journals

Costello SB, Chapman DN, Rogers CDF and Metje N (2007). Underground Asset Location and Condition Assessment. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 22(5-6), 524-542.

Curioni G, Chapman DN, Metje N, Foo KY and Cross JD (2012). Construction and Calibration of a Field TDR Monitoring Station. Near-Surface Geophysics, 10(3), 249-261.

Hao T, Rogers CDF, Metje N, Chapman DN, Muggleton JM, Foo KY, Wang P, Pennock SR, Atkins PR, Swingler SG, Parker J, Costello SB, Burrow MPN, Anspach JH, Armitage RJ, Cohn AG, Goddard KF, Lewin PL, Orlando G, Redfern MA, Royal ACD and Saul AJ (2012). Condition assessment of the buried utility service infrastructure. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 28(1), 331-344. ISSN 0886-7798.

Madun A, Jefferson I, Chapman DN, Culshaw M, Foo KY and Atkins PR (2010). Evaluation of the Multi-Channel Surface Wave Analysis Approach for the Monitoring of Multiple Soil-Stiffening Columns. Near-Surface Geophysics, 8(6), 611-621. doi: 10.3997/1873-0604.2010054.

Metje N, Atkins PR, Brennan MJ, Chapman DN, Lim HM, Machell J, Muggleton JM, Pennock SR, Ratcliffe J, Redfern MA, Rogers CDF, Saul AJ, Shan Q, Swingler SG and Thomas AM (2007). Mapping the Underworld State of the Art Review. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 22(5-6), 568-586.

Muggleton JM and Brennan MJ (2008). The Design and Instrumentation of an Experimental Rig to investigate Acoustic Methods for the Detection and Location of Underground Piping Systems. Applied Acoustics, 69, 1101–1107.

Muggleton JM, Brennan MJ and Gao Y (2011). Determining the Location of Buried Plastic Water Pipes from Measurements of Ground Surface Vibration. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 75, 54–61.

Muggleton JM and Yan J (2012). Wave number prediction and measurement of axisym metric waves in buried fluid-filled pipes: Inclusion of shear coupling at a lubricated pipe/soil interface. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 1-15.

Muggleton M J and Brennan J M (2012).The use of acoustics in the water industry.Water & Sewerage Journal, Winter Edition,(4)35-36

Muggleton JM, Brennan MJ and Rogers CDF (2013). Point Vibration Measurements for the Detection of Shallow-Buried Objects. Tunnelling & Underground Space Technology, Special Issue. In press. doi:10.1016/j.tust.2012.02.006

Papandreou B, Rustighi E and Brennan MJ (2011). The Detection of Objects Buried at a Shallow Depth using Seismic Wave Reflections. JASA, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 129(3), 1366-1374.

Rogers CDF, Hao T, Costello SB, Burrow MPN, Metje N, Chapman DN, Parker J, Armitage RJ, Anspach JH, Muggleton JM, Foo KY, Wang P, Pennock SR, Atkins PR, Swingler SG, Cohn AG, Goddard K, Lewin PL, Orlando G, Redfern MA, Royal ACD and Saul AJ (2012). Condition Assessment of the Surface and Buried Infrastructure – A Proposal for Integration. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 28(1), 202-211. ISSN 0886-7798.

Royal ACD, Atkins PR, Brennan MJ, Chapman DN, Chen H, Cohn AG, Foo KY, Goddard K, Hayes R, Hao T, Lewin PL, Metje N, Muggleton JM, Naji A, Orlando G, Pennock SR, Redfern MA, Saul AJ, Swingler SG, Wang P and Rogers CDF (2011). Site Assessment of Multiple Sensor Approaches for Buried Utility Detection. International Journal of Geophysics, Volume 2011, Article ID 496123, 19 pp. doi:10.1155/2011/496123.

Thomas AM, Chapman DN, Rogers CDF and Metje N (2010). Electromagnetic Properties of the Ground: Part I – Fine-Grained Soils at the Liquid Limit. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 25(6), 714-722.

Thomas AM, Chapman DN, Rogers CDF and Metje N (2010). Electromagnetic Properties of the Ground: Part II – The Properties of Two Selected Fine-Grained Soils. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 25(6), 723-730.

Thomas AM, Chapman DN, Rogers CDF, Metje N, Atkins PR and Lim HM (2008). Broadband Apparent Permittivity Measurement in Dispersive Soils using Quarter-Wavelength Analysis. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 72(5), 1401-1409. doi:10.2136/sssaj2007.0319

Thomas AM, Rogers CDF, Chapman DN, Metje N and Castle J (2008). Stakeholder Needs for Ground Penetrating Radar Utility Location. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 67, 345–351. DOI: 10.1016/j.jappgeo.2008.07.006.

Wang P, Goddard KF, Lewin PL and Swingler SG (2011). Detection and Location of Underground Power Cable using Magnetic Field Technologies. Journal of Measurement Science and Technology, 23(5). doi:10.1088/0957-0233/23/5/055002

Royal ACD, Rogers CDF, Atkins PR, Brennan MJ, Chapman DN, Cohn AG, Lewin P, Metje N, Muggleton JM, Pennock SR, Redfern MA, Saul AJ and Swingler SG (2010). Briefing: Stakeholder Perspectives of Buried Utility Mapping. Municipal Engineer, 163 (ME1), 3–7. ISSN: 0965-0903, E-ISSN: 1751-7699. DOI:10.1680/muen.2010.163.1.3.

Professional Journals

Beck A and Stickler G (2009). Integrating Utility Asset Information. Geoinformatics, March, 58-62.

Foo KY and Atkins PR (2010). A Relative-Localization Algorithm using Incomplete Pairwise Distance Measurements for Underwater Applications. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing. Article ID: 930327. DOI:10.1155/2010/930327.

Rogers CDF (2006). Mapping the Underworld – projekt badawczy pozwiecony localizacji infrastruktury podziemnej. Inzynieria Bezwykopowa (Trenchless Engineering), 15(3), 72-79.

Rogers CDF, Thomas AM, Metje N and Chapman DN (2007). Underground Infrastructure: Assets or Obstacles, Going Underground, 4, 17 – 19.

Rogers CDF, Thomas AM, Metje N and Chapman DN (2007). Improved Detection of Underground Infrastructure – the Stakeholders’ Perspective. Water, Journal of the Australian Water Association, February, 50-55.

Rogers CDF, Royal ACD, Thomas AM, Metje N, Chapman DN, Atkins PR, Pennock SR, Redfern MA, Cohn A G, Fu G, Saul AJ, Brennan MJ, Muggleton JM and Swingler SG (2008). Locating All Buried Assets without the Need for Excavation: The Mapping the Underworld Project. Trenchless international, 1, October, 40-43.

Royal ACD, Rogers CDF, Atkins PR, Brennan MJ, Chapman DN, Chen H, Cohn AG, Curioni G, Foo KY, Goddard K, Hao T, Lewin PL, Metje N, Muggleton JM, Naji A, Pennock SR, Redfern MA, Saul AJ, Swingler SG and Wang P (2010). Mapping the Underworld: Location, Mapping and Positioning without Excavation.Climate Control, Middle East, July.

Refereed Conference Papers

Beck A, Cohn AG, Parker J, Boukhelifa N and Fu G (2009). Seeing the Unseen: Delivering Integrated Underground Utility Data in the UK. Proc. of GeoWeb conference, Vancouver, July.

Beck AR, Cohn AG, Sanderson M, Ramage S, Tagg, Fu G, Bennett B and Stell JG (2008). UK Utility Data Integration: Overcoming Schematic Heterogeneity. Proc. SPIE 7143, Geoinformatics and Joint Conference on GIS and Built Environment: Geo-Simulation and Virtual GIS Environments, 71431Z, 3rd November. doi:10.1117/12.812600.

Beck AR, Fu G, Cohn AG, Bennett B and Stell JG (2007). A Framework for Utility Data Integration in the UK. In Coors V, Rumor M, Fendel EM & Zlatanova S (Eds) Urban and Regional Data Management – Proc. of Urban Data Management Society Symposium, Stuttgart, Germany, 10th–12th October, 261-276.

Boukhelifa N and Duke DJ (2007). The Uncertain Reality of Underground Assets. Proc. of ISPRS/ICA/DGfK Joint Workshop on Visualization and Exploration of Geospatial Data, Stuttgart, Germany, 27th–29th June.

Boukhelifa N and Duke DJ (2009). Visualizing Heterogeneous Utility Data: A Case for Aesthetic Design. Eurographics Association, Munich, Germany, 30th March–4th April, 3-10.

Boukhelifa N and Duke DJ (2009). The Aesthetics of the Underworld. Proc. of Eurographics, Association Workshop on Computational Aesthetics (Eds. Cunningham DW, Interrante V, Brown P and McCormack J), Lisbon, Portugal, 41-48. Doi: 10.2312/COMPAESTH/COMPAESTH08/041-048.

Boukhelifa N and Duke DJ (2009). Uncertainty Visualization – Why Might it Fail? Proc. of CHI 2009 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM, Boston, USA, 4th–9th April, 4051-4056.

Boukhelifa N and Duke DJ (2008). The Aesthetics of the Underworld, Proc. of International Symposium on Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization, and Imaging, Lisbon, Portugal, 41-4.

Chen H and Cohn AG (2010). Buried Utility Pipeline Mapping based on Street Survey and Ground Penetrating Radar. Proc. of European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2010), Lisbon, Portugal, 16th–20th August, 987-988.

Chen H and Cohn AG (2010). Probabilistic Conic Mixture Model and its Applications to Mining Spatial Ground Penetrating Radar Data. Proc. of Workshops on Machine Learning and Data Mining for Sustainable Development, SIAM Conference on Data Mining, Columbus, Ohio, USA, 1st May, 6-14.

Chen H and Cohn AG (2010). Probabilistic Robust Hyperbola Mixture Model for Interpreting Ground Penetrating Radar Data. Proc. of IEEE World Congress on Computational intelligence, Barcelona, Spain, 18th–23rd July, 1-8.

Chen H and Cohn AG (2011). Buried Utility Pipeline Mapping Based on Multiple Spatial Data Sources: A Bayesian Data Fusion Approach. Proc. of IJCAI-11, Barcelona, Spain, 16th–22nd July, 2411-2417.

Curioni G, Chapman DN, Metje N, Rogers CDF, Hao T and Thomas AM (2010). Investigation of Field Variation of Soil Water Content in order to Facilitate Shallow Geophysical Surveys. Proc. of Eleventh BGA Young Geotechnical Engineers’ Symposium, University of Bristol, 6th– 8th July, 39-40.

Curioni G, Chapman DN, Metje N, Rogers CDF, Thomas AM, Foo KY and Atkins PR (2010). Soil Water Content Gradients with Seasonal Variations. Proc. of 3rd International Symposium on Soil Water Measurement Using Capacitance, Impedance and Time Domain Transmission, Murcia, Spain, 7th–9th April, paper 3.4. CD ROM

Foo KY, Atkins PR, Thomas AM and Rogers CDF (2010). Capacitive-Coupled Electric-Field Sensing for Urban Sub-Surface Mapping: Motivations and Practical Challenges. Proc. of the 1st International Conference on Frontiers in Shallow Subsurface Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 20th–22nd January, paper G01, 157-160.

Foo KY, Hao T, Curioni G, Chapman DN, Metje N and Atkins PR (2011). A Knowledge-Based System for Evaluating the Impact of Soil Properties on the Performance of Utility Location Technologies: Design and Case-study. Proc. of ASCE International Conference on Pipelines and Trenchless Technology (ICPTT 2011), Beijing, China, 26th–29th October, 810-825.

Fu G and Cohn AG (2008). Utility Ontology Development with Formal Concept Analysis. Proc. of 5th International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems – Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications,Saarbrücken, Germany, 31st October – 3rd November 3rd, 183, 297-310. IOS Press. doi: 10.3233/978-1-58603-923-3-297.

Fu G and Cohn AG (2008). Semantic Integration for Mapping the Underworld. Proc. of the SPIE Joint Conference on GIS and Built Environment: Geo-Simulation and Virtual GIS Environments (Eds. Liu L, Li X, Liu K, Zhang X and Chen A), 3rd November. doi: 7143/714327-714327-9.

Hickinbotham SJ and Cohn AG (2007). Knowledge-Based Recognition of Utility Map Sub-Diagrams. Proc. of Ninth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, Curitiba, State of Parana, Brazil, 23rd–26th September, 213-217. IEEE Computer Society Press.

Hickinbotham SJ and Cohn AG (2008). Learning Spatial Grammars for Drawn Documents Using Genetic Algorithms. Proc. of 8th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, Los Alamitos, CA, USA, 10th–12th September, 899-902. IEEE Computer Society Press.

Jenks CHJ, Pennock SJ and Redfern MJ (2012). Novel GPR Sensor Supporting SFCW and OFDM Functional Modes. Proc. of IET 2nd Annual Active Devices, Circuits and Systems Seminar, Harwell, UK, 3rd September.

Jenks CHJ, Pennock SR, Redfern MA and Orlando G (2012). Novel Loop and Dipole Based UWB Antennas for GPR and Communication Applications. Proc. of 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Prague, 26th–30th March.

Jiang W, Pennock SR and Shepherd P (2009). A Robust W-MUSIC Algorithm for GPR Target Detection in the presence of Noise. Proc. of IEEE/SP 15th Workshop – Statistical Signal Processing, 457-460. doi: 10.1109/SSP.2009.5278539.

Jiang W, Pennock SR and Shepherd P (2010). Novel Short-Time MUSIC in Non-Linear FMCW GPR Signal Analysis. Proc. of 13th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR 2010), 21st–25th June, Lecce, Italy, 1-6. doi: 10.1109/ICGPR.2010.5550075.

Jiang W, Pennock SR and Shepherd PR (2009). A Novel W-MUSIC Algorithm for GPR Target Detection in Noisy and Distorted Signals. Proc. of IEEE 2009 Radar Conference, 4th–8th May, Pasadena, CA, USA, paper 3199. doi: 10.1109/RADAR.2009.4977050.

Lim HM and Atkins PR (2006). A Proposal for Pipe Detection Using Low Frequency Electric Field. Proc. of Railfound 06, 1st International Conference on Railway Foundations, Birmingham, UK, 11th–13th September, 84-93.

Madun A, Jefferson I, Foo KY, Atkins PR, Chapman DN and Culshaw M (2010). Robust Weighted-Mean Approach for the Evaluation of Ground Improvement Columns Using Surface Wave Analysis. Proc. of Near Surface, 1st–5th September.

Maida AW, Pennock SR and Shepherd PR (2006). Detection and Resolution Enhancement of Closely Spaced Targets in Ground Penetrating Radar. Proc. of 11th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR 2006), Columbus, Ohio, USA, 19th–22nd June.

Metje N, Rogers CDF and Chapman DN (2008). Seeing Through the Ground – Mapping the Underworld Project. Proc. of 12th International Conference of International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (IACMAG), 1st–6th October, Goa, India.

Metje N, Rogers CDF, Chapman DN, Thomas AM and Parker J (2008). Minimising Streetworks Disruption by Mapping the Underworld. Proc. of Pipelines 2008, Atlanta, Georgia, 22nd–25th July. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). CD ROM

Muggleton JM and Brennan MJ (2006). The Use of Acoustic Methods to Detect and Locate Underground Piping Systems. Proc. of the IX International Conference on Recent Advances in Structural Dynamics, Southampton, UK, 17th–19th July.

Muggleton JM and Brennan MJ (2010). An Assessment of Laser Vibrometry for the Measurement of Ground Vibration. Proc. of Recent Advances in Structural Dynamics, Southampton, 12th–14th July.

Muggleton JM, Brennan MJ and Rogers CDF (2012). Point Vibration Measurements for the Detection of Shallow-Buried Objects. Proc. of International Conference on Underground Infrastructure Research (UIR 2012), 5th–6th June, Niagara Falls, Canada. CD ROM

Muggleton JM, Gao Y and Brennan MJ (2012). Vibration Radiation from Buried Plastic Water Pipes: An Experimental Investigation at the Ground Surface. Proc. of International Conference on Noise & Vibration Engineering, Leuven, Belgium, 15th–17th September.

Muggleton JM, Papandreou BD and Brennan MJ (2012). The Detection of Buried Pipes Using a Shear Wave Technique. Proc. of 19th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Vilnius, Lithuania, 8th–12th July.

Pennock SR and Redfern MA (2006). Multihead Configuration for Ground Penetrating Radar and Depth Determination. Proc. of 11th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR 2006), Columbus, Ohio, USA, 19th–22nd June.

Pennock SR and Redfern MA (2006). Optimising Multihead Configurations for Depth Determination in Ground Penetrating Radar. Proc. of European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP2006)(Eds. Lacoste H and Ouwehand L), Nice, France, 6th–10th November, 689.1. CD ROM

Pennock SR and Redfern MA (2007). Ultra Wideband Antennas for In-Pipe Ground Penetrating Radar.Proc. of European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP2007), Edinburgh, 11th–16th November, 1-5.

Pennock SR and Shepherd PR (2006). Longitudinally Tapered Coplanar Waveguide UWB Antenna. Proc. of European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP2006) (Eds. Lacoste H and Ouwehand L), Nice, France, 6th–10th November, 237.1. CD ROM

Pennock SR and Watson RJ (2010). Analysis of Propagation Effects in LANs and WANs by FDTD and Ray Tracing Techniques. Proc. of Fourth European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP2010), 1 -5.

Pennock SR, Jenks CHJ, Orlando G and Redfern MA (2012). In Pipe GPR Configuration and the Determination of the Target Depth and Ground Permittivity. Proc. of International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Munich, Germany, 22nd–27th July.

Pennock SR, Chapman DN, Rogers CDF, Royal AC, Naji A and Redfern MA (2010). Effects of Iron Pipe Corrosion On GPR Detection. Proc. of the 13th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar(GPR 2010), 21st–25th June, Lecce, Italy, 1-5. doi: 10.1109/ICGPR.2010.5550075-5.

Pennock SR, Naji A, Zhang Q, Shepherd PR and Redfern MA (2010). UWB Antennas for Communications and Ground Penetrating Radar. Proc. of Fourth European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP2010), 1 -5.

Pennock SR, Redfern MA and Shan Q (2006). Subsurface Illumination and Propagation in Ground Penetrating Radar. Proc. of European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP2006) (Eds. Lacoste H and Ouwehand L), Nice, France, 6th–10th November, 757.1 CD ROM

Rogers CDF (2006). Powering Urban Developments – Utility Mapping Needs for Trenchless HV Cable Installations. Keynote Paper to ENGINEERING 2006 – 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Trenchless Technology and Tunnelling, Niepolomice, Krakow, Poland, 4th June.

Rogers CDF (2006). Substructures, Underground Space and Sustainable Urban Environments. Keynote Paper to Proc. International Association of Engineering Geology Congress, Nottingham, UK, 6th –10th September.

Rogers CDF (2008). Mapping the Underworld to Minimise Street Works Disruption. Proc. of 10th International Conference on Underground Infrastructure of Urban Areas, Wroclaw, 22nd–24th October. CD ROM

Rogers CDF and Chapman DN (2005). NETTWORK – Establishing UK’s Research Needs in Trenchless Technology. Proc. of 23rd International Conference on Trenchless Installation of Utilities (No-Dig 2005), Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Rogers CDF, Chapman DN and Metje N (2006). Mapping the Underworld – UK Utilities Mapping. Proc. of 11th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR 2006), Columbus, Ohio, USA, 19th–22nd June.

Rogers CDF, Chapman DN, Entwisle D, Jones L, Kessler H, Metje N, Mica L, Morey M, Pospíšil P, Price S, Raclavsky J, Raines M, Scott H and Thomas AM (2009). Predictive Mapping of Soil Geophysical Properties for GPR Utility Location Surveys. Proc. of 5th International Workshop on Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar (IWAGPR 2009), Granada, Spain, 27th–29th May, 60-67.

Rogers CDF, Chapman DN, Royal ACD and Metje N (2009). The Mapping the UK Underworld Project. Proc. of 27th International Conference on Trenchless Installation of Utilities (No-Dig 2009), Toronto, Canada, 29th March–3rd April, paper E-5-04. CD ROM

Rogers CDF and Grant SA (2009). Shaping the Future of Ground Penetrating Radar Soils Research. Proc. of 5th International Workshop on Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar (IWAGPR 2009), Granada, Spain, 27th–29th May, 68-72.

Rogers CDF, Thomas AM and Grant SA (2010). Shaping the Future of GPR Soils Research. Proc. of 13th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR 2010), 21st–25th June, Lecce, Italy. doi: 10.1109/ICGPR.2010.5550075-5.

Rogers CDF, Zembillas N, Metje N, Chapman DN and Thomas AM (2008). Extending GPR Utility Location Performance – The Mapping The Underworld Project. Proc. of 12th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR 2008), Birmingham, UK, 16th–19th June. CD ROM

Rogers CDF, Zembillas N, Thomas AM, Metje N and Chapman DN (2008). Mapping the Underworld – Enhancing Subsurface Utility Engineering Performance. Proc. of 87th Transportation Research Board Conference, Washington DC, USA, 13th–17th January. CD ROM

Royal ACD, Rogers CDF, Atkins PR, Chapman DN, Chen H, Cohn AG, Foo KY, Goddard K, Hayes R, Hao T, Lewin PL, Metje N, Muggleton JM, Naji A, Orlando G, Pennock SR, Redfern MA, Saul AJ, Swingler SG and Wang P (2010). Mapping the Underworld Phase II – Latest Developments. Proc. of 28th International Conference on Trenchless Installation of Utilities (No-Dig 2010), Singapore, 8th–10th November.

Royal ACD, Rogers CDF, Atkins PR, Chapman DN, Chen H, Cohn AG, Foo KY, Goddard K, Hayes R, Hao T, Lewin PL, Metje N, Muggleton JM, Naji A, Orlando G, Pennock SR, Redfern, MA, Saul AJ, Swingler SG and Wang P (2011). Mapping the Underworld: A Step-Change in the Approach to Utility Location and Designation. Proc. of ASCE International Conference on Pipelines and Trenchless Technology (ICPTT 2011), Beijing, China, 26th–29th October, 2291-2297.

Royal ACD, Rogers CDF, Atkins PR, Chapman DN, Curioni G, Foo KY, Hao T, Metje N, Moghareh Abed T, Shirgiri N and Wazlan S (2011). Pipeline Engineering in the Ground: the Impact of Ground Conditions on Pipeline Condition and Maintenance Operations. Proc. of ASCE International Conference on Pipelines and Trenchless Technology (ICPTT 2011), Beijing, China, 26th–29th October, 1598-1609.

Shan Q, Pennock SR and Redfern MA (2006). GPR for Mapping the Underground. Proc. of 11th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR 2006), Columbus, Ohio, USA, 19th–22nd June. CD ROM

Shan Q, Pennock SR and Redfern MA (2006). Investigation of Configurations of GPR with Ray-Tracing Method. Proc. of IEEE 2006 Radar Conference, Verona, USA, 335-341.

Sterling RL, Anspach J, Allouche E, Simicevic J and Rogers CDF (2008). Encouraging Innovation in Locating and Characterizing Buried Utilities for U.S. Transportation Projects. Proc. of 12th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR 2008), 16th–19th June, Birmingham, UK. CD ROM

Swingler SG, Wang P, Hao T, Chapman DN, Curioni G, Foo KY, Atkins PR and Rogers CDF (2011). Flangeless Open-Ended Coaxial Probes with Curved Surfaces. Proc. of IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (Japan) / European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE), Vienna, Austria.

Thomas AM, Curioni G, Foo KY, Atkins PA, Rogers CDF and Chapman DN(2010). Frontiers in Shallow Subsurface Technology – Improving TDR for use with Fine Grained Soils. Proc. of 1st International Conference on Frontiers in Shallow Subsurface Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 20th–22nd January, paper G04, 169-172.

Thomas AM, Gunn DA, Nelder LM, Burrows MPN, Metje N, Rogers CDF and Chapman DN (2008). Electromagnetic Characterisation of a Victorian Railway Embankment Fill Material. Proc. of 3rd International Conference on Site Characterization, Taipei, Taiwan, 1st–4th April. CD ROM

Thomas AM, Lim HM, Metje N, Rogers CDF, Chapman DN and Atkins PR (2006). The Complexity of GPR Data Interpretation in Railway Foundation Surveys. Proc. of Rail Found 06, Proc. of 1st International Conference on Railway Foundations, Birmingham, UK, 11th–13th September, 48 – 61.

Thomas AM, Metje N, Rogers CDF and Chapman DN (2006). Underground Utility Infrastructure: Improving Sustainability through Improved Detectability – The Stakeholders’ Perspective. Proc. of 24th International Conference on Trenchless Installation of Utilities (No-Dig 2006), Brisbane, Australia, 29th October–2nd November.

Thomas AM, Metje N, Rogers CDF and Chapman DN (2006). Ground Penetrating Radar Interpretation as a Function of Soil Response Complexity in Utility Mapping. Proc. of 11th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR 2006), Columbus, Ohio, USA, 19th–22nd June. CD ROM

Thomas AM, Rogers CDF, Metje N and Chapman DN (2007). A Stakeholder Led Accuracy Assessment System for Utility Location. Proc. of 4th International Workshop on Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar(IWAGPR 2007), Naples, Italy, 27th–29th June, 252-257.

Thomas AM, Rogers CDF, Metje N and Chapman DN (2007). Soil Electromagnetic Mapping for Enhanced GPR Utility Location. Proc. of 25th International Conference on Trenchless Installation of Utilities (No-Dig 2007), Rome, Italy, 10th–12th September. CD ROM

Thomas AM, Yelf R, Gunn DA, Self S, Chapman DN, Rogers CDF and Metje N (2008). The Role of Geotechnical Engineering for Informed Planning of GPR Surveys and Interpretation of Results in Fine-Grained Soils. Proc. of 12th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR 2008), Birmingham, UK, 16th–19th June. CD ROM

Wang P, Goddard KF, Lewin PL and Swingler SG (2011). Detection and Location of Underground Power Cable using Magnetic Field Technologies. Proc. of UHV Net, Winchester, UK, 18th–19th January.

Wang P, Goddard KF, Lewin PL and Swingler SG (2011). Electromagnetic Field Application to Underground Power Cable Detection. Proc. of 17th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Hannover, Germany, 22nd–26th August.

Wang P, Goddard KF, Lewin PL, Swingler SG, Atkins P R and Foo KY (2011). Magnetic Field Measurement to Detect and Locate Underground Power Cable. Proc. of ASCE International Conference on Pipelines and Trenchless Technology (ICPTT 2011), Beijing, China, 26th–29th October, 2291-2297.

Wang P, Lewin PL, Goddard K and Swingler SG (2010). Design and Testing of an Induction Coil for Measuring the Magnetic Fields of Underground Power Cables. Proc. of IEEE 2010 International Symposium on Electrical Insulation, San Diego, California, USA, 6th–9th June. CD ROM

Wazlan S, Chapman DN, Rogers CDF, Foo KY and Nawawi SW (2012). Assessing the Condition of Buried Pipe using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). Proc. of 11th International Symposium and Exhibition on Geoinformation (ISG2012), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 25th–26th September.

Woodward CA, Rogers CDF and Chapman DN (2005). The Effect of Soil Properties on Leakage Economics. Proc. of International Conference on Leakage, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 12th–14th September.

Zaghari B, Muggleton JM and Rustighi E (2012). Mapping the Underworld. Proc. of Pipetech, 4th Iranian Pipe & Pipeline Conference, Tehran, 29th–30th September.

Zhang Q, Pennock SR, Redfern M and Naji A (2010). A Novel OFDM Based Ground Penetrating Radar. Proc. of 13th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR 2010), 21st–25th June, Lecce, Italy. doi: 10.1109/ICGPR.2010.5550075-5.

Other Conference Papers

Rogers CDF, Chapman DN and Metje N (2006). Mapping the Underworld – Buried Utility Location. Proc. of No Dig Live, Warwick, United Kingdom, 26th–28th September, 1-8.

Rogers CDF, Chapman DN, Royal ACD, Metje N, Atkins PR and Foo KY (2009). Mapping the Underworld – Mapping Sub-Surface Streetscapes. No Dig Roadshow, 10th November, Bristol and 1st December, Wakefield, UK.


Beck AR, (2007). Integrating the UK’s utility data. In GIS Professional, Issue 16 June.

Hamilton MG, (2010). MTU Newsletter.

Hamilton MG, (2011) MTU Newsletter Spring 2011.

Hamilton MG, (2011). MTU Newsletter Summer 2011

Hamilton, M.G. (2011). CIRIA newsletter, Mapping the Underworld – Pipeline Location and Condition Assessment, 8 September.

Hamilton MG, (2011). Magazine article. MTU article was produced for the University of Birmingham EPS newsletter, December.

Leach J, (2009). MTU Newsletter.

Metje N, Chapman DN, Rogers CDFR and Bongs K, (2011). Seeing through the Ground: The Potential of Gravity Gradient as a Complementary Technology, Hindawi Publishing Corporation Advances in Civil Engineering Volume, Article ID 903758, 9 pages doi:10.1155/2011/903758

Metje N, Chapman DN, Rogers CDF and Bongs K, (2012) Magazine article- EPSRC pioneer.

Rogers CDFR. Magazine article, EPSRC pioneer -Magazine article- EPSRC pioneer.

Rogers CDF, Royal, Chapman DN, Hunt D, Jefferson I, Lombardi D, Metje N and Thomas A, (2008). Mapping the Underworld. Trenchless World, Issue 12, pp.16 – 18.

Rogers C.D.F., Thomas A.M., Metje N., Chapman D.N., (2008). Mapping the Underworld – The UK Tackles a Global Problem. Trenchless Works, Issue 17, January.

Royal ACD, Rogers CDF, Chapman DN, Metje N, Atkins PR, Brennan MJ, Muggleton JM, Cohn AG, Swingler SG, Pennock SR, Redfern MA, Saul AJ (2010). Mapping the Underworld meets Subsurface Utility Engineering. GEO Connexion UK. June/July.

Thomas AM, Rogers C.D.F, Metje and Chapman DN, (date). Soil Electromagnetic Mapping for Enhanced GPR Utility Location, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom.


Atkins PR, Brennan MJ, Chapman DN, Lim HM, Machell J, Metje N, Muggleton JM, Parker J, Pennock SR, Ratcliffe J, Redfern MA, Rogers CDF, Saul AJ, Shan Q, Swingler S and Thomas AM, (2008). Minimising Street Works Disruption: Mapping the Underworld Sensor Technologies, Review and Progress. UK Water Industry Research Limited, London, Report Ref. No. 08/WM/12/21.

Burtwell M, Faragher E, Neville D, Overton C, Rogers CDF and Woodward T, (2003). Locating Underground Plant and Equipment – Overview of Proposals for a Research Programme, UKWIR Report 03/WM/12/3, UKWIR, London, UK.

Metje N, (2012). As part of its Pathways to Impact initiative, Mapping the Underworld has produced a video of a workshop held with government representatives and councillors that highlights the challenges faced by streetworks. The video can be seen on YouTube.

Muggleton JM, (2010). Mapping the Underworld. Multi-sensor device creation, assessment, protocols: technologies advancement to support multi-sensor device. An assessment of the use of a scanning laser to measure ground vibration. ISVR Technical Memorandum 986, January.

Parker JM, (2007). Minimising Street Works Disruption – Sensors for Buried Asset Location. Mapping the Underworld Seminar. UK Water Industry Research Limited, London, Report Ref. No. 07/WM/12/15, April 26th.

Parker JM, (2008). Minimising Street Works Disruption: Mapping Technologies for Buried Asset Location – Mapping the Underworld Seminar September 14th. UK Water Industry Research Limited, London,Report Ref. No. 08/WM/12/20

Parker JM, (2008). Minimising Street Works Disruption: Data Integration and Display – Mapping the Underworld Seminar. UK Water Industry Research Limited, London, April 17th. Report Ref. No. 08/WM/12/22

Pennock SR, Shepherd PR and Redfern M, (2008). Ultra Wideband antenna designs for an integrated GPR and tomographic mapping system”, Paper 3.3, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, Birmingham, UK, June 16-19.

Pennock SR and Redfern M (2008). A novel integrated GPR and tomographic mapping system for the location of buried utilities”, Paper 19.4 Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, June 16-19.

Pennock SR, Shepherd PR and Jiang W, (2008). Combined FFT and MUSIC algorithm signal processing technique for enhancing GPR target detection and resolution. Paper 21.3 Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, Birmingham, UK, June 16-19.

Rogers CDF, (2006). Keynote Paper, International Association of Engineering Geologists Quadrennial Conference, Nottingham, September.

Rogers CDF, Grant SA, Thomas AM, Chapman DN and Metje N. (2008). Shaping the Future of GPR Soils Research: Report on the first US Army workshop on soil spectroscopy research, Mapping the Underworld, Birmingham, UK.

Rogers CDF, Metje N, Leach J, (2011). The Mapping the Underworld team responded to the Department for Transports public consultation on its proposed strategy for ‘Lane Rental Schemes in England – New Roads and Streetworks Act 1991’

Thomas AM, (2007). Outcome of the ORFEUS Questionnaire. UK Water Industry Research Limited, London, Report Ref. No. 07/WM/12/18, London, UK.

OXEMS commercialisation – see


Bongs K, (2011). MTU annual event Southampton, UK, September.

Bongs K, Rogers CDF, Gaffney C, Gaffney V, (2012).GGtop launch event, Science Museum, London, UK, 2nd May.

Curioni G, (2011). Poster presentation, 9th annual BGA Conference, 8 June.

Gaffney V, (2012).Poster presentation at Exhibition-Science Museum London, UK.

Metje N. (2010). Developing Sensor Capability to Enable Self-Sensing Water (infra-structure) Networks, organised by the Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Research Organization, CSIRO). Brisbane, Australia.

Metje, N. (2010). Presentations at Sydney Water and CSIRO, Sydney, Australia.

Metje N, Chapman DN, (2012). Condition assessment of the surface and buried infrastructure Canada.

Metje N, (2012). Interviewed for a podcast about Mapping the Underworld its achievements and benefits it will bring to the industry.

Rogers CDF, (2011).Trenchless Technology research forum, Beijing, China.

Rogers CDF, (2011). Sustainability work at the University of Birmingham at a conference, Bejing, China

Rogers CDF, (2011). Presentation to the UK Highways and Utilities Committee (HAWC) on the 17th February.

Rogers CDF, (2010). Hosted presentation on MTU to a Chinese Delegation from the Beijing Urban Construction Group Company Ltd. on the 22nd of September.

Rogers CDF, (2010). The project had a stand at the BEST Show,as part of the Tomorrow’s World exhibition area. Chris Rogers presented an overview of MTU in the Cities, Location, 18-20 October.

Rogers CDF, Anspach J, (2011). A joint MTU / SHRP2 workshop was held on, as part of the US Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting and Conference. Emerging Sensor Technology for Utility Construction: Status of the SHRP2 Research, Washington DC, USA, Sunday 23rd January.

Rogers CDF, Metje N, Chapman DN,(2011). Malaysian delegation (two-day technical visit the Board of Surveyors Malaysia),University of Birmingham, 5-6 July.

Royal AC, (2012). Presentation to Caterpillar senior management, Peterborough, UK, May.

Royal AC, Metje N, (2010). Hosted a Delegation from Malaysia, 28th of September.

Metje N, Media presentation to Montreal Gazette.

Mapping the Underworld was promoted as part of the University of Birmingham’s launch of its permanent office in Brussels on the 1 December 2010, becoming the first UK University to have a dedicated presence in the political centre of the European Union. The office was officially launched by HMA Jonathan Brenton the British Ambassador to Belgium at a special event on Wednesday 1st December 2010. Other speakers at the event included Malcolm Harbour MEP and Dr Anneli Pauli, Deputy Director-General of DG Research for the European Commission. The office has been established to help inform European policy debates and the development of programmes, support alumni in the Benelux region and consolidate European research collaborations. The office will also provide local services to the staff and students of the University when working and studying in Brussels. See for more information:



Rogers CDF (2009). Substructures, Underground Space and Sustainable Urban Environments. Chapter in: Culshaw MG, Reeves H J, Jefferson N I and Spink TW, (Eds.) Engineering Geology for Tomorrow’s Cities. Engineering Geology Special Publications, 22, 177–188. Geological Society, London. ISBN 0267-9914-09.