Tom Dolan completed his EngD (Doctorate) at Cranfield University in December 2015.
For his EngD, he undertook a four year multi-disciplinary research project funded by Anglian Water Services and the EPSRC to analyse the impact of European environmental, water and agricultural legislation on water company investment planning processes, member state regulators and other stakeholders. During his EngD he published four papers.
Additional outcomes from his research include:
Informed decisions taken at Anglian Water Pesticide Strategy meetings
Led to implementation of a catchment-level decision support tool to guide investment decisions for potable water supply and catchment Management
Led to further research at Cranfield University
He also holds an Executive MBA from Cranfield University School of Management and an MSc in Economics for Natural Resource and Environmental Management. Research conducted during the MSc directly informed decision making at Bedford Borough Council and Greenspire Associates. Additionally, He published his thesis as an academic paper. He now gives a regular lecture to two Cranfield University MSc programmes on the use of Cash Flow Analysis techniques to evaluate environmental investments.