iPACT funding sandpit - Southampton

iPACT funding sandpit - Southampton


20 March 2023


21 March 2023
The Bugle, Bugle Street Southampton

iPACT are part way through a series of sandpits, one in each case study location: Morecambe, Norfolk & Southampton. These sandpits have been successful in bringing together academics and local partners to discuss pilot projects and are open to the iPACT network of researchers. The aim of these is to develop collaborative, infrastructure-related Pilot Study Line of Sight to explore and assess potential solutions aligned with community needs. We have funding for 5-10 of these Pilot Study feasibility projects at £50-100k each.   

Each funding sandpit will be held over two days. They will bring together researchers and research users and beneficiaries from the iPACT network to develop potential solutions.  

Projects being presented by Southampton City Council include:

Green Infrastructure & Green City plan
Itchen Riverside,
Weston Shore,
Mass Rapid Transport system,
Freeport and water transport.

Apply for a place at a funding sandpit:

Places at each sandpit are limited. If you would like to apply for a place at the final sandpit in Southampton, please fill in this Expression of Interest FORM and send us your mini CV by 28th February 2023.

We will ask for your name, institution (if applicable) and contact details; a one-page mini resumé/CV; up to 150 words on why you want to come to a sandpit; and up to 250 words on the skills, experience and research area(s) you would bring. We intend to inform people about the allocation of sandpit places by 5th March 2023. Any one person will only be invited to attend one sandpit.      

To join the iPACT network: please visit https://futuretowns.soton.ac.uk/ipact/