Themes for sessions will be based around the UN Sustainable Development Goals, please consider which goal your research links to. (THE 17 GOALS | Sustainable Development (
To express an interest in presenting at this conference please complete this FORM
Expression of interest deadline extended: 28th March 2023
Poster submission deadline: 10th May 2023
Presentation submission deadline: 17th May 2023
Conference dates 23rd to 26th May 2023 - Sir James Matthews Building, Guildhall Square, Southampton
23rd May - pre-conference welcome dinner 6.30pm venue to be decided
24th May - Day 1 presentations from PGRs and industry keynotes, workshops and networking (TBC)
25th May - Day 2 presentations from PGRs, Keynote talk from Prof Chris Rogers, University of Birmingham, tour of National Infrastructure Laboratory, Boldrewood Campus and Future Towns Innovation Hub, Science Park, Chilworth (coach travel provided) followed by a reception open to UKCRIC attendees and conference delegates
26th May - UKCRIC hosted event: Adapting the old and innovating the new. This event will showcase the National Infrastructure Laboratory (NIL) facilities and share research priorities; introduce attendees to the SUSINet projects and brainstorm new areas of research at the intersections of these projects as well as opportunities to develop existing research programmes.
Tickets are available through Eventbrite until 20th May 2023.
Please visit the conference page for the full programme.