Wiltshire County Council and the Department for Transport want to efficiently engage with suppliers to define and address the issues underpinning the management of potholes. They are reaching out to you to be part of the solution.
What is the Potholes Challenge?
The Potholes Challenge is a new way for local authorities to innovate with the SME community. They believe that they understand the challenge they are facing, but that the SME community can improve this understanding. The Potholes Challenge is all about supporting this.
There's no requirement to have experience in the transport sector or indeed with potholes – the aim of this initiative is to broaden the scope of the challenge as widely as possible, encouraging people to consider the challenges from their differing backgrounds and perspectives and ultimately to create truly innovative solutions.
There are four identified challenge areas: repair, customers and communication, design and prevention, and digital.
For full details or to get involved, visit their website.
Image credit: Dvorty girl via Flickr