C-DICE event: Influencing Policy For Researchers, London

C-DICE event: Influencing Policy For Researchers, London
05 July 2024
10:00 - 16:00
Institution of Mechanical Engineers 1, Birdcage Walk London SW1H 9JJ

Join C-DICE for this exclusive one-day event – Influencing Policy For Researchers: Inside the Energy Security and Net Zero (ESNZ) Committee – delving into energy and net zero policymaking in the UK and offering invaluable insights for researchers and academics on how to effectively engage with policymakers in Parliament. Broadly exploring themes of the net zero policy landscape and how Parliament uses research, the event programme offers a mix of presentations and panel discussions.

  • Hear firsthand experiences from C-DICE Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST) Fellows of their work for the Energy Security and Net Zero Select Committee.
  • Explore key policy issues in the energy sector and their implications for future research by experts in the area.
  • Understand how Parliament and Government operate, and how researchers can provide impactful written and oral evidence in a session facilitated by a Clerk of a Select Committee.

More details and registration

Registration Deadline: 19 June 2024