You will be joined by our stakeholder network and MPs, policy makers, council members and researchers who share a passion for enabling our coastal towns and ports to be more thriving, prosperous and resilient places to live.
The event will be an opportunity to discuss the challenges facing coastal communities and port-cities as well as hear from six funded pilot projects that are exploring and assessing potential solutions aligned with community needs.
iPACT is a vibrant, multi-disciplinary community of researchers and research users developing affordable, sustainable, evidence-based, people-centric infrastructure systems solutions for improving social well-being and prosperity to level up coastal communities through resilient, net zero regeneration.
Our aim is to connect coastal communities, disseminate knowledge and create opportunities for further project development to improve the wellbeing, resilience and sustainability of the UK’s coastal settlements.
12.00 – Welcome lunch, Networking and registration
13.00 – Opening remarks – Prof William Powrie – iPACT Primary Investigator
13.15 – Keynote talk – Satvir Kaur MP Southampton Test
13.30 – Pilot project presentations session 1
14.30 – Refreshments break and networking
15.00 – Pilot project presentations session 2
16.00 – Local council reflections – North Norfolk District Council & Lancaster City Council
16.30 – Closing remarks
16.45 – Close and move to networking reception – drinks and canapes
18.00 – Networking reception finishes