The Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction at Cambridge University (CSIC) and The Cornell Program in Infrastructure Policy (CPIP) at the Cornell Jeb E. Brooks School of Public Policy, brought together an international multi-disciplinary group for a workshop on Funding, Financing & Emerging Technologies in New York, 11-15 July 2022.
Several UKCRIC representatives participated, including Richard Dawson, Gordon Masterton, William Powrie, Jennifer Schooling, and Liz Varga.
Jointly funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) in the US, the workshop assembled international experts from academia, policy and practice to explore how to improve infrastructure delivery in a post Covid world through innovative funding and financing as well as emerging technologies.
In the context of major public investment in infrastructure programmes, experts from infrastructure’s technological, engineering, social, environmental, economic, and financial dimensions, discussed how a multi-disciplinary approach can address numerous pressing policy challenges, including climate change impacts, net zero carbon and social equity, with a view to identifying potential policy implications and research needs.
Update: 31st May 2023
The full Report from the EPSRC-NSF Infrastructure Workshop was now available. You can also read the Executive Summary and Recommendations.
Read the University of Cambridge's original news announcement.