Reflections on Recent Management Board Meetings

Reflections on Recent Management Board Meetings
02 June 2021

These are exciting times for UKCRIC as the last of the laboratory facilities come online and the Coordination Node enters its transition phase. The Management Board has been busy guiding the UKCRIC community through a number of activities and initiatives.

The outcomes from two rounds of reviews are being used to shape plans as UKCRIC prepares for its next phase. The EPSRC’s Science, Engineering and Technology Board (SETB) gathered evidence late last year, which was followed by a Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Gateway Review early in the New Year.

The Imperial College London underspend was successfully redistributed to fund capital investments across the UKCRIC member network. Recipients contributed the equivalent of 20% of their award to a central pot that is now being used to support five research projects.

Work continues to develop UKCRIC’s four Missions. Look out for related activities starting in July, including an expanded web presence and a launch event and workshop. UKCRIC’s EDI ambitions are also taking shape, focusing upon innovative approaches to EDI in UK engineering research.

Earlier this year the Management Board approved UKCRIC becoming a signatory to the Net Zero Coalition (NZC) Charter, of which UKCRIC is a founder and core member. More recently, UKCRIC signed an agreement with HS2 that paves the way for future research collaborations. UKCRIC has also agreed collaborative activities with the National Infrastructure Commission.

And finally, as lockdowns ease meetings and events feel like they are returning to normal. UKCRIC All Hands, Roadshows and Workshops have all restarted. To receive event announcements straight to your inbox, sign up to the UKCRIC newsletter.

If you would like to get in touch with us about any of these activities, email