The facilities focus on research into treatment and distribution processes, future technologies such as low energy treatment and nutrient and energy recovery, condition monitoring and performance assessment including development of repair techniques that are less disruptive to supply and system-wide operation and control and integrated data systems.
The facilities include the National Research Facility for Water and Wastewater Treatment, which supports research on the inter-dependencies between treatment and distribution processes, condition monitoring and performance of technologies. Also included are the Test and Control Sewer Loops, which are generating data critical to understanding and managing the dynamics of FOG deposition; the Point-of-use Water Treatment Development lab, a dedicated collaborative technology development and testing space for water treatment systems; the Breakthrough Innovation Hub, which provides a set of design, build and testing spaces devoted to interdisciplinary research across science, engineering and design; and the sensors lab, a state of the art space for developing and improving water sensors.
National Research Facility for Water and Wastewater Treatment
The facility offers industry and academia the capability to design, test and operate water and wastewater treatment and distribution systems. Our equipment is available, easy to access and technically supported.
The facility enables research into future technologies such as low energy treatment and nutrient and energy recovery, condition monitoring and performance assessment including development of repair techniques that are less disruptive to supply and system-wide operation and control and integrated data systems. Working with our researchers, collaborators can investigate the inter-dependencies between treatment and distribution processes, condition monitoring and performance of technologies. The facility also has pilot scale sewer systems, near-real scale wetland reactors and has the flexibility of receiving real waters from a variety of wastewater sources. A near real scale pilot drinking water treatment plant operates to supply sub-potable and potable waters for drinking water experiments.
More facilities information
Point-of-use Water Treatment Development lab
Test and control drinking water treatment rig
Browse the catalogue or contact us to discuss how our capability can support your specific challenge, opportunity or R&D programme.
Who can use the facility | Functions/facilities available |
Industry (research and consultancy including testing) and secondments |
Equipment, workspace, meeting rooms |
Universities (in collaboration) | All equipment; study space |
PhD Studentships (part of the CDT) and MSc Students (Cranfield) | Equipment, workspace, meeting rooms |
Equipment Highlights
Breakthrough Innovation Hub
Point of Use lab
National Research Facility for Water and Wastewater Treatment
Advanced Sensors Lab
Find out more
Watch the Breakthrough Innovation Hub presentation or download the slides as a PDF.